With GitHub

Use GitHub as a remote content source


It might be unstable.

MDX Remote offers a GitHub integration, it allows you to use a GitHub repository as the content source of your documentation.

When to use it?

When your docs site is too large for the built-in content sources (e.g. Fumadocs MDX), building all pages in build time takes too much time. For example, you have a docs with more than 1000 MDX files under the project.

For smaller docs, Fumadocs MDX may be a better option.


With MDX Remote GitHub, in production, your documentation will be automatically updated whenever you make changes to the content in your GitHub repository.

You don't need to re-build or re-deploy the entire docs site when the content updates.


In source.ts, change the usage of loader to:

import { createSourceAuto } from '@fumadocs/mdx-remote/github';
import { loader } from 'fumadocs-core/source';
import { cache } from 'react';
export const getDocs = cache(async () => {
  return loader({
    source: await createSourceAuto({
      github: {
        owner: 'fuma-nama',
        repo: 'fumadocs',
        directory: 'examples/remote-mdx/content',
        treeSha: 'main',
        accessToken: process.env.GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN!,
    rootDir: 'docs',
    baseUrl: '/docs',

Then, change all usages to the original output to await getDocs().

The createSourceAuto function fetches the file tree (file structure), which is required to generate the page tree. Depending on the environment (process.env.NODE_ENV):

Productionuse the GitHub API and fetch Git Tree.
Developmentuse the file system directly.

To dedupe the requests, we will use React cache.

Force a Source?

You can use the from option to force a source.

import { createSourceAuto } from '@fumadocs/mdx-remote/github';
await createSourceAuto({
  // always use GitHub
  from: 'github',

Be careful, this may break the MDX Remote development server.

Hot Reload

MDX Remote provides a development server for implementing hot reload under development environments. It uses a file watcher to detect for local content changes, and notify the client via WebSocket.

Initialize the server in your next.config.mjs:

import { initServer } from '@fumadocs/mdx-remote/github/dev';
/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const config = {
  reactStrictMode: true,
export default config;

Add the hot reload component to client, it's recommended to add it to a layout.

import { getDocs } from '../source';
import { DocsLayout } from 'fumadocs-ui/layouts/docs';
import type { ReactNode } from 'react';
import { initHotReload } from '@fumadocs/mdx-remote/github/next';
const { component } = initHotReload();
export default async function Layout({ children }: { children: ReactNode }) {
  return (
    <DocsLayout tree={(await getDocs()).pageTree} nav={{ title: 'My App' }}>


In your docs page, you have to manually resolve the file content, and compile it using the built-in MDX Compiler.

import type { Metadata } from 'next';
import { DocsPage, DocsBody } from 'fumadocs-ui/page';
import { notFound } from 'next/navigation';
import { getDocs } from '@/app/source';
import defaultComponents from 'fumadocs-ui/mdx';
import { resolveFile } from '@fumadocs/mdx-remote/github';
import { compileMDX } from '@fumadocs/mdx-remote';
export default async function Page(props: {
  params: Promise<{ slug?: string[] }>;
}) {
  const params = await props.params;
  const page = (await getDocs()).getPage(params.slug);
  if (!page) notFound();
  const content = await resolveFile(page);
  if (!content) notFound();
  const compiled = await compileMDX({
    source: content,
    components: {
  return (
    <DocsPage toc={compiled.toc}>
export async function generateStaticParams() {
  return (await getDocs()).getPages().map((page) => ({
    slug: page.slugs,
export async function generateMetadata(props: {
  params: Promise<{ slug?: string[] }>;
}) {
  const params = await props.params;
  const page = (await getDocs()).getPage(params.slug);
  if (!page) notFound();
  return {
    title: page.data.title,
  } satisfies Metadata;

MDX Remote provides a simple way to build search indexes. It should be executed every time the content is changed to ensure search indexes are up-to-date.

import { buildSearchIndexes } from '@fumadocs/mdx-remote/github';
async function main() {
  const output = await buildSearchIndexes({
    directory: './content/docs',
    baseUrl: '/docs',
  // handle the output search indexes


MDX Remote GitHub uses Webhook to receive notifications from GitHub and revalidates cache.

In the settings of your GitHub repository, go to the Webhook Tab and create a new Webhook:

Webhook Settings

Remember to give it a secret, it will be used later.

In your app, add the following route handler.

import { createGithubWebhookAPI } from '@fumadocs/mdx-remote/github/next';
export const { POST } = createGithubWebhookAPI({
  ref: 'dev',
  secret: 'example_secret',

Now you can deploy your app.

For projects hosted on Vercel, or other platforms which provides a GitHub integration, skip the deployment step when the commit only affects your content. Otherwise, the optimization of MDX Remote cannot take effect.

On Vercel, this can be done with Ignore Build Step.

Deep Dive

Internally, we use the Next.js cache. It allows us to incrementally update the documentation in real-time, avoiding rebuilding the entire documentation every time a change is made.

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