Open Graph Open Graph with Next.js Metadata API
Next.js provides an useful set of utilities, allowing a flexible experience with Fumadocs.
Fumadocs uses the Next.js Metadata API for SEO.
Make sure to read their Metadata section for the fundamentals of Metadata API.
For docs pages, Fumadocs has a built-in metadata image generator.
pnpm fumadocs init og-image
import { createMetadataImage } from 'fumadocs-core/server' ;
import { source } from '@/lib/source' ;
export const metadataImage = createMetadataImage ( {
imageRoute : '/docs-og' ,
source ,
} ) ;
You will need a route handler to get started.
app/docs-og/[...slug]/route.tsx import { generateOGImage } from 'fumadocs-ui/og' ;
import { metadataImage } from '@/lib/metadata' ;
export const GET = metadataImage . createAPI ( ( page ) => {
return generateOGImage ( {
title : page . data . title ,
description : page . data . description ,
site : 'My App' ,
} ) ;
} ) ;
export function generateStaticParams () {
return metadataImage . generateParams () ;
We need to append og.png
to the end of slugs so that we can access it via /docs-og/my-page/og.png
In your docs page, add the image to metadata.
app/docs/[[...slug]]/page.tsx import { source } from '@/lib/source' ;
import {
DocsPage ,
DocsBody ,
DocsTitle ,
DocsDescription ,
} from 'fumadocs-ui/page' ;
import { notFound } from 'next/navigation' ;
import defaultMdxComponents from 'fumadocs-ui/mdx' ;
import { metadataImage } from '@/lib/metadata' ;
export default async function Page ( props : {
params : Promise < { slug ?: string [] } > ;
}) {
const params = await props . params ;
const page = source . getPage (params . slug) ;
if ( ! page) notFound () ;
const MDX = page . data . body ;
return (
< DocsPage toc = { page . data . toc } full = { page . data . full } >
< DocsTitle > { page . data . title } </ DocsTitle >
< DocsDescription > { page . data . description } </ DocsDescription >
< DocsBody >
< MDX components = {{ ... defaultMdxComponents }} />
</ DocsBody >
</ DocsPage >
) ;
export async function generateStaticParams () {
return source . generateParams () ;
export async function generateMetadata ( props : {
params : Promise < { slug ?: string [] } > ;
}) {
const params = await props . params ;
const page = source . getPage (params . slug) ;
if ( ! page) notFound () ;
return metadataImage . withImage (page . slugs , {
title : page . data . title ,
description : page . data . description ,
} ) ;
You can also customise the font, options for Satori are also available on the built-in generator.
import { generateOGImage } from 'fumadocs-ui/og' ;
generateOGImage ( {
fonts : [
name : 'Roboto' ,
// Use `fs` (Node.js only) or `fetch` to read the font as Buffer/ArrayBuffer and provide `data` here.
data : robotoArrayBuffer ,
weight : 400 ,
style : 'normal' ,
] ,
} ) ;